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Sam's Bloopdiary
by Sammy Joe

previous entry: Conan the Barbarian and all that jazz...

next entry: Good early morning...

Just a quickie...


I'm not dead... I have the attn span of a rabid squirrel. Like really. How have you Bloopers been? I have been just hanging with Bees and Julz, I could tell you more but, I'm v. tired. Maybe tomorrow? Maybe not? I don't know.


previous entry: Conan the Barbarian and all that jazz...

next entry: Good early morning...

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Hope you had a good Christmas!

[The RyanStar|1 like] [|reply]

I had a great Hanukkah yes Did you enjoy your hols?

[Sammy Joe|0 likes] [|reply]

I did, thank you! I'm off until January 3rd, so am continuing to do nothing with my time, and it is bliss.

[The RyanStar|0 likes] [|reply]

That's good. :3

[Sammy Joe|0 likes] [|reply]

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