Yesterday was horrible. Have I mentioned yet that I hate this place. Just everything about it is grating on my nerves. Not to mention one thing I completely forgot until it was brought to my attention again yesterday is they are getting rid of 3/4 the damn base! Everyone except for us it seems. There are so many people asking why they brought us in when most the base is getting shut down. Josh says it is because his job title, they are going to leave the UAV's and planes and stuff here and since he is an air traffic controller they have to have him. How freaking gay! Everyone else gets to leave this miserable place by December except for me. I still have 2-5 freaking years left. 2 if we get out, 5 guaranteed if we reenlist. For that reason alone ( besides deployments) I don't want to resign but it is so freaking hard to pass up free money.
To top everything off today is my birthday. Josh has work and then PT. Claire has been up most the night and is now laying on the couch gurgling in her spit. It never ceases to amaze me the things that keep them busy sometimes. It just kinda sucks. I am here, alone, and even when Josh gets off work it will suck. I am spending my birthday near no one I know. Sorry this is a pitty me entry. I am usually not like this but the last few days I have been completely depressed and spent yesterday crying. I still am trying to stay positive. Looking at the other side of things, less people here, less wait times for appointments. Less people at the gym when I want to go. So we will still have all these facilities just less people to share them with . My biggest issue with it is with everyone leaving what is the point in making friends with them when they will be gone ? And then there will be hardly anyone left. . . . but as I said before I hate going to the gym by myself with a bagillion people there. WWELLLLL now there isn't a bagillion people left! haha
Josh woke me up this morning to tell me he would bring the car back to me at noon instead of me taking him to work so I didn't have to get up or wake up the baby. That made me pretty happy. He also said if I was ready when he got home from PT that we would go into town and have dinner somewhere. Today is also Claire's 2 month well baby meaning her first shots =( see who cries first. me or her? I am hoping more then anything that he changes her formula and maybe fixes this projectile vomiting of spit and everything she eats. Good luck huh?
DazzlingDisorder;CSS |