have you ever gott'n those people that complain all the time about about fastfood making them fat fat. trust me when i say this is not why your fat. your fat because you dont eat healthy proportions.you don't excercise enough, and you then sit around and let all that fast food take negative effects on your body. when in reality you could work that shake off in just thirty minutes walking. ooooohhhh, what a discovery. its called a proper diet, oh and by the way let me explain that you can not go on a diet your always on a diet. all a diet is your choice o eating habits and patterns so honestly there isn't a such thing as dieting.but i must admit there are alot of people that need help with it because they were never taught what a proper diet was, and hey i'm not saying skinny people are the shit i'm just saying there is a great feeling from being in-shape. so if you need to go to a gym get some help setting up a good workout for you. what i'm ultimatley trying to say is don't blame anyone but your self if you choose not to do it. |