ive come to the point where i think every modernization is hurting the race of this planet .we get greedier and lazier every machine we come up with. oh and whats with all the useless machines we have these days. one touch can openers and light switch remotes. reallly,, really. are those things really nessesary. i mean yeah for cripples and old people. but the creators dont realize that they actually wont use them but instead, the people who dont want to get get up off there fat ass will use them. but we can change this all with a little initiative and motivation. we can all be brothers of the same world live in harmony while meeting the needs(not the wants) of everyone. almost like how the na'avi live on the movie avatar. yeah actually exactually like them. or even how the native americans lived originally. i just dont want the huuuman race to come to an end over a stupid decision. its not that hard of a thing to achieve. im out |