Well I just got done making a delicious dinner with only a little bit of help(:
Josh bought me roses for mothers day, too bad I'm not even a mother, but what kind of girl argues about getting flowers? Not this one.
I'm so uberly excited for my trip, I'm not leaving until Tuesday so I have to keep myself busy.
Good thing I am watching Charli tomorrow, she always keeps me busy. I love watching her so much she is so awesome. I've never been so attached to a child before!Well beside my family of course! So we have to:
-Clean out my car
-Get stuff around
-Go to the post office
-Get my oil changed
-Run to see my buddy Shelby
- And hang out and be awesome
But besides all that Josh and I have been distant, he was being so sweet when I first got home now he won't even sit in the same room as me. After I made him dinner he just sat in his room playing Gears Of War. Okay it's not like I mind that he plays his video games but after I sit over a stove for 45 minutes I would like him to eat dinner with me and at least say thank you. But he goes back into our room and continues to play his game. I hate being the only person who isn't obsessed with my computer and phone sometimes. So I am a little annoyed right now, I shouldn't feel on edge in a relationship and the only time we are fine is when we aren't sitting in front of a TV or on our phones. I almost want to get rid of my smart phone at this point.
Anyways I'm done with my ranting and raving.
Goodnight♥ Sweet dreams, and love from Suhh Man Cha!