Just to clarify, the police are the ones who said the stuff about common law marriage not me, thats what they told me.. Tez refuses to give the keys to my house back so he came here on sunday n took the carseats and the kids, trust me i raised hell then but i cant fight tez and there was no way i could stop him from doing it. thats why i called the police, shit i even called crimestoppers... and now my mom just came to my house saying that tez's mom came to her work saying she needed to take the kids when she got off work, so obviously they dont even want them!!! and told them my mom all kind of lies, that i took my moms number out of his phone so he couldnt call her which i did but that was over a year ago and i did it cause he called my mom once at 3 in the morning saying that i was chasing him and kaiden around with a knife when i wasnt all because i wouldnt give him his stupid xbox. she told my mom that i just left the kids outside and thats why tez took them which is a lie because my kids were in their pajamas n ready for bed. and she told them that i sliced tez's tires n put sugar in his gas tank which i didnt, he said his car wont start. well it just snowed all night and his car was sitting outside, its been all over the news about the temp being so cold that peoples cars wont start.. hes such a fuckin idiot n he has seriously told me that he just acts stupid around me so i dont think hes smart, which is a idiotic statement by itself lol and as far as slicing tires, im not a very strong person, i have tried to slice tires before n felt stupid cause i couldnt do it... i just told him to tell his mom i am coming to get the kids, and he of course told me no n i told him his mom just went to my moms job and told her to come get the kids and he seriously told me she didnt, i was like are you serious? cause my mom wouldnt just come knockin on my door for no reason telling me this bogus shit and hes saying his mom didnt tell her to come get the kids.. i know my mom doesnt lie esp when it comes to this shit, my mom said that he at least has no right to take kaiden cause 1)hes not on the birth certificate and 2) its been proven he isnt his biological father.. thank god we didnt go thru the adoption process yet cause tez was going to adopt him.. im bout to get dressed n go over there n try n get the kids.. they have no clothes for the kids, he took a few diapers n only like 3 bottles for the baby, they are going to end up getting sick.. and if he doesnt give them back to me i will contact a lawyer n see what i need to do since obviously the police around here arent worth shit
