--- Ick ---
The joys of being a pet owner. I love my dog, he's a sweet lil chihuahua who actually sleeps more then anything else. Cliff's pitbull is here too so they tend to get into trouble together. So at 430am when I woke up to them running and barking I got up to crate them to find potting soil all over my living room and kitchen. Omfg you want to talk about me being pissed. Not to mention that I knew the vaccuum was still clogged from when the car got cleaned out. So I was freaking miffed. It took me over an hour to clean up the mess. Now I have to shampoo the carpet in the living room which makes me even more miffed. But I'm not doing it tonight lol. I'm actually going back to bed in a few but I was so annoyed I thought I'd post it.
My sister leaves to go back to NY tomorrow. Will I miss her? A little bit. Its nice to know her son doesn't always listen to her either lol. He's no where near as hard to deal with as Austin but he doesn't listen either. We went swimming at Hungry Mother State Park Saturday, then yesterday we had lunch at my mom's friend's house. Austin and I left early because I spent most of the day working then the evening chasing austin. I was exhausted to say the least.
Idk what to do at the moment. I'm just kinda frustrated. Getting tired of dealing with his dog not freaking listening. She can't live in that crate, I keep telling him that. That's his solution when she won't listen to me and he's not here, put her in it. Well fucking A that doesn't always work dammit. Cause then she freaking whines. Grrrrrr
Well I'm going to get off here, the sun is coming up and its very pretty out so I'm going to watch it the rest of the way and then I'm going to crash.
layout by lithium layouts.