Ok so I'm just sitting here, and I like to read the titles of peoples entries. Yes i know its a lame and stupid hobby but some are funny. My puppy eats tampons, thats just a have to read ya know, but I didn't read it...because that takes out all the fun my imagination can have. lol a dear anon entry titled your breasts. *giggle* And one thats titled L:KJfkldfjkfsajfgad ok so wtf does that stand for????? fucked if i know. and i'm not reading it because I don't really care ya know, I just like the titles. Thats like when I'm checking out bulletin posts on myspace. my friends have the most creative way of expressing themselves. Like right now one girl is uber depressed about her ex bf and that he's a loser. And she's been posting these long ass surveys with these titles that don't mean shit. Examples I know that you know that i know what I want. ok wth. I had to read it three times to get it. Posting titles that make me feel stupid is not a good thing. Or she wrote The hardest guy to get over is the one you never had...what kind of sense does that make. i thought you couldnt miss what you never had. ugh. i dont know, its just sappy stupid shit. ok so i'm facinated with the retards that surround me. Leave me alone! i'm allowed to be easily amused all right.