Well I've finally decided to move on up. I've been at Hardees only 6 mths but a few people there have been telling me I need to move up, that i've got what it takes. Sheila said today that sometimes i already do the job so maybe its time for me to step up and ask for it. So i went to greg after my shift was over and told him i wanted it. They have a sign up for new hourly managers and i told him thats what I wanted. That I was getting bored just being a cashier, I leveled with him because I love my job but I'll end up looking for something different as soon as i can because I'm bored. And people there listen to me, i don't even do it on purpose but its just in me to take charge, to make sure everything is done. I know I'll love the job. He's going to print out the personality test thing you have to take and he'll have that to me on Monday. Then on Wednesday I have training for Orientations. We're goin to start hiring new people soon for the summer and David usually does the orientation but he's going to college in bluefield and isn't around for it. So Greg, Jennifer and I are all going to the training. That will mean more hours which leads to more money. I found out today that i did get my evaluation raise after 3 months which was only a dime, but thats ok cause we also get the minimum wage raise this summer. Its not much money but when you live where I do and your rent is cheap, your electric isn't bad, you pay your television and cell phone and then you're all good. Thats my life ya know, and we live pretty simple. My tax refund should be deposited in the next week or so and I'll use that to buy Austin's summer clothes, which last year cost about 150 dollars at walmart. I'll go ahead and order myself some summer clothes from this catalog i like to order from because they run awesome specials. I'll pay some bills, get the car fixed and then sock some money in a savings account for when I need it. Works out for me, that much I do believe. Things have been looking up. I'm single which has been bumming me out, but I had a long talk with a friend and realized its not all that bad. I don't answer to anyone but myself. I already split my time between work, school and Austin. Its getting far enough into school that I spend a fair amount of time on homework. I've taken to keeping austin home from daycare on days i dont work or have school since he's a little older its not as hard to do homework with him around. That way I spend time with him. Moving into management will get me more hours which is helpful but it also cuts down on my time at home. So if I do find someone special to have in my life then thats ok, but if I don't then thats ok too. i don't really have time to worry about it right now. I just wish I had someone to celebrate with tonight. lol Austin and I will celebrate with chicken nuggets and chocolate milk. I love that kid so much, he's the reason I keep on trucking. lol He's the reason I got cable. Well I'm going to stick my nose back in my economics book!