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Sing To Me A Lullaby
by SingToMeALullaby

previous entry: ..packing up my bags & going travelling in a year =).

next entry: crazy little thing called LOVE

..Bitter Sweet ♥


...Bitter sweet ♥
Going into this i knew it would eventually come to an end . For the past 5 months i have been on a term working as a Para Educator at an elementary school. Today marked my last day . With that said, am gratefull that a complete stranger took a chance on me despite my lack of expierence. Am gratefull that i took this & ran with it. I showed them what i always knew i was capable off. I was loyal, determined, creative, flexible, in control, kind & left a lasting impression. I am flattered by the numerous comments from the teachers that were passed onto the resource teacher & principal. Which was basically along the lines of them wanting me back next year! I know this expierence will help me alot in the future. I can't wait to see where it ends up taking me! .

I applied for EI for the summer, but am really nervous about it for two reasons. A. being denied and B. not having enough money untill the pay cheque comes which won't be till the end of the month. However, A. a para that does income taxes & always applies for EI said i should have enough hours. Also, B. i have money in my savings account if i need, but i hate dipping into it . I think am just worrying to much. But, i cant help it. Am simply a worry wart =( .

I do plan on babysitting for extra cash. I DEF DO plan on enjoying all this free time on my hands =)


previous entry: ..packing up my bags & going travelling in a year =).

next entry: crazy little thing called LOVE

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I don't mind at all! I planned on getting a gym membership this summer, but couldn't afford it...and I don't have a car, and live 2 miles away from work. I used to ride my bike, but got in an accident, now I walk and ride a bus. I eat a lot better than I used to, and a lot less. I'm so excited.

I guess it just really helps to be active and busy so I don't eat out of boredom.

[Lady Erienne|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm glad you enjoyed your time as a para! hopefully you get to go back in the fall!

What's EI?

[imaginary ordinary|0 likes] [|reply]

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