So, the semester is over and I did it with a 4.0!! Go me! We'll see how it goes next semester when I take World Religions, Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting!
Work is work. I like the work but very unhappy with the politics and atmosphere change since the changover in management.
Per numerous requests, here are the latest Henry pictures! 
Tummy time! I don't like being on my tummy, but I'm trying!

How can you say no to a face like this??

I love daddy kissies!!

Deep in thought!

Future GQ model!

I love to play with my toys!

My first trick or treating with my cousin Aidan!

My Halloween Day outfit and one final Halloween picture with daddy!

I love baths and making my hair into a mohawk!

Go Packers!!! (Even though they stink this year! )

Our little cowboy!

My first Thanksgiving (I ate real mashed potatoes and jello!)

Look at me standing like a big boy (this is my brother in these pics, one of Henry's godfathers)

So, there you have it. A snapshot in the life of Henry since Bloop went down. Things are tough here. Money is tight of course and our relationship is strained. Hopefully, it will all even out soon! |