OUCH! fuck.
my mouth hurts and im so pissed that i can barely open my mouth ...
it was ridiculous trying to each a cheese burger ...
i had to flatten small pieces and slide them in my mouth. gah.
i read up on it, and im pretty sure my top left wisdom tooth is impacted. i know it's been trying to cut through for years and it's now deciding to be a DICK HEAD! !@#$%*!
i want to try to get to a dentist ASAP but i can't today, because im supposed to get my gas turned back on today and the gas company only gives a 15 minute notice to when they are going to show up at your house ...
i have decided to give pat his last 2 weeks.
this is more of a way to try to get my stuff back, like he swears up and down he can do.
we'll see.