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Dahlia on Fire
by ♪spike.♫
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Dahlia on Fire
by ♪spike.♫

previous entry: !starting easter off badly

next entry: ! i find out tonight ...

! this is a testament that we must consume


3 days off ^_^

im happy and relaxed. i have the next three days off from work because wednesday is my 21st birthday and i always spoil myself like that around my birthday because nobody else does (except my ex fiance, but thats over now lol)

so i had another huge argument with mr. patrick yesterday. it was a rough one lol.
i was at work, waiting to punch in, when pat calls my cell phone asking for $30.00 ... and im like, for-fucking-WHAT? and since he had lost his prescript, he needed money to buy. i gave him the thirty dollars but i was not happy about it, and i let him know that. well he got super pissed because he came back into the store an hour later asking for my house keys and i said, let me see the money i gave you (because i had my doubts it was for subs) and he said, "when you give me the keys i will show you the money." i said fuck no, let me see the money first, and he stormed out and said fuck it.
so i took my lunch break and my friend lisa who just so happened to be leaving work with her friend and another girl i worked with gave me a ride to go find him. he turned left on Elmwood avenue, (which is a really busy street) so we turned left on elmwood and drove down a little ways and he was gone. (he couldn't have gotten that far, he's on foot). so we are all like, wtf did he just fly away?
I got a call on my fone from some number i didn't know and it's pat.
"I saw my friend Jon and he gave me a ride. I'm on my way to the house."
and i laughed and said, "what a Kawinkidink. Im on my way to the house too."
i was like, "well, where are you right now?"
and he said, "on hertel and millitary" (thats close to my house)
"oh wow ... well, im turning onto hertel right now ..."
are you fucking kidding me. fucking forget it.
and so i continued to our house and he was not there (so i assumed he either lied that he was on his way to the house, or his friend jon took him somewhere else.)
i went up into the apartment and my guitar hero controller was sitting on my kitchen counter, on top of the phone book that was turned to "games" in the yellow pages.
so he was calling game placed more than likely to sell my shit.
SO! i took my valuables, besides my tv and computer and put it all in Lisa's trunk lol

and this all happened just durring my 45 minute lunch break. we ended up finding him walking from elmwood towards my apartment when lisa's friend was driving me back to work. i got out and we argued and he walked me back to my store. he ended up saying some really STUPID things and left after i gave him the keys finally.
but he came back with this sad puppy dog look on his face and i was like, "what?"
and his voice was all low and sad.
"i just wanted to come back and tell you that im sorry and that i love you so much."
and i asked him how far he walked until he came to that conclusion ...
i guess he was almost home (it's a 45 min walk from my work to home)

so he ended up just staying until i got out of work and we talked on the walk home ...

so in the end (bc its such a long long long story) we came to an agreement.
tonight he has his dr's appointment, so he gets his new script of subs. the agreement is, that if things don't change within the next two weeks, he will be leaving.

previous entry: !starting easter off badly

next entry: ! i find out tonight ...

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RYC: Thanks for all the comments. It's a very crazy situation.

But dang, sounds like some arguement. I hate ones like that. At least you guys reached a conclusion, which is a good thing. But I'd be livid if I caught him trying to sell my things. Hopefully it'll all work out.

[Z-O-M-B-I-E|0 likes] [|reply]

that's a good agreement i think...but it looks obvious that he's been lying and now trying to sell your shit? that's fucked up. i wouldn't put up with that. my ex was doing dope and lying and shit when i left him, lying is the absolute worst, especially to someone you supposedly care about and love. well i hope he makes a change and things start looking up

[insatiable.pull|0 likes] [|reply]

why would he be selling your shit if he wasn't doing drugs again? i hope things all work out babe

[Momto3under3♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

that's really messed up that he was trying to sell your things. i'm assuming that he has relapsed then.

i hope he's able to change, because i know how much you love him.

[Lady VenomStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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