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Dahlia on Fire
by ♪spike.♫

previous entry: !am i wrong to be mad?

next entry: !really bummed out about this one

!tattoo & piercing survey


this is what happens when life gets boring

classic layouts

Do you have your ears done? OOOh ya
How many times? 4 times
Any of them gauged? Of Course ^_^
Any cartilage work? no ... i'm afraid of the crunching noise
How about a tragus or other "non-typical" ear piercing? i want it.
Did you have them done with a gun or needle? needle. it's more sanitary and can be done more properly
How was the pain for the ear piercings? no pain at all.
Do you have any facial piercings? My Septum (which ppl here HATE lol) and my eyebrow in the past
If yes, what is your favorite? my septum
What about your tongue? yessir.
Any of it painful? the septum pinched
Is your navel pierced? wanna get it done when my tummy is more flat
How about nipples? omg no but my bf used to have them done.
Anything below the belt? Pffft. nah.

Don't lie..
What is your favorite piercing over all? my septum I SAID, STUPID!!!!
Was anyone with you when you got them? i'm a loner most of the time
Did they hold your hand? lol
What did your friends/family/workplace think? you better take that out or your gonna get written up!
Did you really care? No ^_^.

Would you pierce your eyebrow? i had it pierced 3 times before.
Nostril/Septum? I have that right now
Lip? wanted it but my bf has snake bites and i think the clinking noise when we kiss would make me laugh.
If yes, side or middle? SIZIDE
Tongue? have it
Labret/Monroe? a tiny monroe would be super cute ^_^
Anything else on your face? possible a surface anchor
Nipples? UUuh. riiight. no.
Both or one? NONE!!
Navel? Yes.
Ever consider a navel project (more than one piercing?) I don't know.
What about below the belt? gross, not for me
If yes, what would you do? --
Any other "unusual" or surface piercings you'd consider? my friend wants to use me as a pin cushion
Do you like the fact that nothing is really "unusual" anymore? r u kidding. ppl bag on me all the time lol

Random Piercing q's:
What do you think about ear gauging? I absolutly LUB IT!!
What about gauging anything else? possibly a nose piercing or tongue, but nothing HUGE
Have you ever pierced yourself? my belly button when i was 17 but it sucked lol
Have you ever pierced a friend? a friend's ear lobes once
How about an enemy? I WISH ^_^.
What do you think about piercings on the opposite sex? have you seen my bf???! Hooooot
Could a piercing make or break a relationship? no lo thats stupid
What is the hottest piercing (on opposite sex)? Lip ^_^.
What is the worst? genitals
What do you think of dudes with naval piercings? lol its cute i guess. but it would make me question a few things
What do you think of nipple piercings? akward
What is one piercing you would NEVER get? Nipple.
What is one you like, but will never get? nape
Do you take 2nd glances of people with piercings? if they look right, ya
In a good or bad way? like i said, if they look right

On to tattoos:
Do you have any? YESSIR
How many? SEVEN
What are they? a heart with a skull bursting out of it, three nautical stars on my chest, a star with my name on a banner, three small stars on my hand in btwn my thumb and pointer finger, a heart with a nautical star inside of it, a shit load of pretty flowers surrounding that last one on my upper left arm, a lotus flower and swirls twisting around my ankle and down my foot
Which is the most meaningful? the lotus bc its a symbol for accepting change.
Did you have any tattoos done while drunk? Nope.
Back to piercings, any of those while under the influence of something? i was hungover when i got my eyebrow pierced the last time i did.
Have any tattoos you absolutely hate? absolutly NOT.
Do your tattoos have meaning? some do. some don't. i think they are beautiful ^_^
Do you have plans for more tattoos in the future? of course lol.
How many? a ton ^_^ i want the rest of my half-sleeve done
What do you plan to get? whatever i can come up with. almost always original art ^_^
Where is your favorite place you have ever had a tattoo done? CowPok on elmwood in buffalo ny.
Ever done a tattoo yourself? no but my bf does them ... he did most of his on his body
Ever on someone else? no lol. if you want a circle or something. maybe a triangle. i'll try ^_^
If yes, how did they turn out? lol
Did you design any of your own tattoos? almost all of them
What do you think of tattoos on the opposite sex? ***DROOLS***
How many is too many? no such thing
Do you think girls with arm tattoos look manly? No. i especially think girls with whole sleeves done are totally HOT
Do you think guys with belly/lower back tattoos look girly? no on the belly for a guy it's hot. as long as he aint a fatty ^_^
Where would you NEVER get a tattoo? ON MY VAGINA ^_^
Did any of your tattoos hurt? the lotus flower on my foot hurt like FUCK
Would you ever get a full sleeve or anything large tattoo? OMG YESH!!!
Do you take 2nd looks at peoples tattoos? ya. i usually start talking to them about where they got them done
Have you ever asked anyone what a tattoo meant? naw. bc most ppl dont have answers.
Do you think there are some tattoo designs that are on too many people? some are VERY cliche .. but cute
Have you ever designed a tattoo for yourself or someone else? yep for me

Other mods:
Have you ever done any form of scarification? YEP.
If yes, what? i burned a star into my left wrist
If not, would you consider it? i might do it again
Have you ever done any kind of suspension? no sir
If yes, what, and when? --
If no, would you? --
Any other "unusual" forms of body modifcation you are into? Nah.

Some stuff I forgot and some randoms:
Would you get a mall piercing? naw. i would rather go to a professionally trained piercing artist
Where do you buy body jewelry? i order them through my friend julianna who pierces here in buffalo
Do you like needles? they're fine ^_^
Do you like pain? not necessarily ... but if it's something i REALLY want done, it's totally worth it
Do you prefer self piercing or professional? Professional
Do you think societies views on piercings need to change? things have already changed ... but ppl should get with it
Have you had trouble getting a job because of a piercing/tattoo? No.
Would you ever have someones name tattooed on you? ya. my own.
Would you want someone to tattoo their name on you? i would be freaked out
Do you think lower back tattoos are really "tramp stamps"? depends on the person. ha.
Do you think tiny tattoos are pretty lame? no i don't
If you could only have one tattoo ever again, what would it be? when i have kids, my child's footprints
What will your next tattoo be? i just want my flowers colored
What is the last tattoo you got? the flowers on my upper arm
Ever go with someone else to get a tattoo? Yes.
When was the last time? oh wow i dont remember
Ever talked someone into getting a tattoo? yesh
Anyone ever messed up a tattoo on you? i would FUCKING KILL!!! lol
Have you ever not been able to sit through a tattoo? No.
Have you ever cried? ya, the lotus has stars and hearts surrounding the swirls and i got really teary eyed when one of the hearts on my tendon were being colored in and outlined

previous entry: !am i wrong to be mad?

next entry: !really bummed out about this one

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girl, you have to post pictures of your tattoo's!
i'm dying to see them

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