I AM THRU! I have been hurt so many times by every rude and negative comment you people leave on my damn page!! This place is suppose to be here for support when I'm most in need. I know my life is unique and the things I write don't always sound true but why would I lie????? You don't see me commenting on yalls stuff saying that your a "well fair collecting, drug/child abusing bitch!!!" I deserve the well fair I collect, I don't use drugs regularly, and all of my children are self sufficient. That is my way of teaching them to provide for there selfs. Everyone has different ways of parenting!!! Mine isn't any worse than you'res! Because of the hurtful things that have been said I will be deleteing any negative comments that you people leave. It's not my fault that the majority of y'all have screwed up opinions. Mom always says this quote "Opinions are like assholes everyone has one!!! and just about all of them stink!!!" from Hilary clinton. I don't have time for the things that are said to me. I am self employed and need to focus on making as many yorkshire terrior sweaters as i can. Me and me sister in law started this business a couple months back and it is not going so good!! I need all the positivity I can get. Even tho there have been some haters tossed my way on my page some of you all have been very supportive and I thank you so much for you're words and for being caring when most are not!!! |