Can't believe its christmas in 3 days! Come round so quickly. Our plan is wake up open presents (I'm hoping for a furby and a ipod of santa and some moneys so i can fulfil my shopping needs!) then dave is coming round after he finishes work at 2pm more presents i can't wait to give him his then christmas tea at around 5ish. We have a small family and we are only having my aunty, her fella and my grandad round for boxing day. I am quite jealous of people with big families at christmas it must be nice having everyone round. I can't decide if i want to go out tonight i only have £10 to spend including taxis i'm supposed to be going out on christmas eve for the first time ever which is going to be a pain if taxis are charging double time. Tomorrow i get to dress up for work im hoping to be an elf and my hours have changed so i get to finish at a reasonable time
Well thats all just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas guys!