Full name: amanda rene & my last name is top secret.
Birthdate: december 2nd, 1986.
Zodiac Sign: sagg.
Height: 5.2"
Weight: enough.
Hair: dark brown, for now.
Eyes: blue/green.
Family: mom; mary. dad; william. brother; jason.
Pets: right now i have 10 [yes, 10] cats. 6 of them being babies, in a few weeks i'll be back down to four. & hopefully my roommate will more out, & then i'll only have 2. one can dream :D
Number Piercings: bunches.
Number of Tattoos: 4.
School: sometimes.
Job: cook.
Car: 2001 honda accord. haha.
Single or Taken? taken since 2007.
Sexual Orientation? bisexual.
Are you a virgin? hell no.
If not, when did you lose it? i was 16.
What's your fantasy? srsly? lol.
Which time was the best? too many to choose from.
What's your dream...
Date: i'm down for whatever :D
Wedding: outside, small, lots of music.
Car: mustang.
Job: photographer.
don't feel obligated to comment,
just know that they're appreciated :D |