Time: 5:14pm
State of Being: super excited!
Song lyric in my head: n/a
current desire: a job!
where am I?: in the bedroom on the bed
what's that noise?: just the lap top fan, and the bedroom fan
just a quick update!
I have a job interview! It's Friday at 1:30 for a special needs teacher's assistant position! I am so very excited! They're actually looking for a bilingual teacher, but I hope I can shmooze them enough to hire me any way. I know Spanish, but I'm not completely fluent in it. I understand it better than I speak it. I really really miss working with children. Especially my autistic kids. I really think i have it in me to make a difference in the lives of children, and to help them fulfill their dreams of who they wish to become in life. The other school that i taught at really hindered my ability to give these kids support. They were very disciplinarian. Like making me lock a poor girl in the bathroom while she was screaming trying to get out, because she had the habit of sticking her hands down her pants. While I understand that is a learning tactic that they use, it's not a tactic i'm comfortable with, and they were not open to my thoughts. I was to constantly yell at children for acting up whether than talking to them about why they felt the need to act up. I really hope this facility is more loving and professional.
plus, among every thing else, it's my light at the end of the wal-mart tunnel. Get me out of the pharmacy.
I really don't want to get too excited, because I don't want to get heartbroken. But I can't help it.