click here for the original entry.
Time: 10:06am
State of Being: annoyed
Song lyric in my head: It's about me. It's about you.
current desire: for a clear nose
where am I?: in my dorm room sitting on my bed
what's that noise?: Dawson's Creek is on, but it's a commercial
It's not a bad cold. Just the annoying kind that leaves you with a half stuffed nose and gives you that gross taste in your mouth when you wake up. It's just very annoying.
This is the pilot episode. wow. well I knew it was before i watched it, but I haven't seen this since it first aired. wow. memories.
I need to come up with a meaningful entry once in a while instead of these short dinky ones.
but it's Friday! no classes today! no classes until monday!!
aighty I have nothing to talk about. absolutely nothing. I need a more exciting life.
latah y'all
10:13am |