Time: 3:48pm
State of Being: eh. got a minor headcold. not sure if i'm lethargic because of that, or this is my first day off since Veteran's Day
Song lyric in my head:
current desire: more days off
where am I?: in the bedroom on the bed
what's that noise?: the AC. (yes. AC. South Florida doesn't believe in winter lol it's 80 degrees out.)
21. What are the websites that you make sure to visit daily?
Facebook, my school e-mail, my regular e-mail. I do check Bloop on my phone, but I never have time to comment. I check news sites. I don't have cable at home, so the only way to get the news is through the internet. when i'm really bored I head to failbook for some mindnumbing giggles.
It's funny how so much happened this week, yet nothing at all. We only have two days of school coming up next week for Thanksgiving. But I still work at Wal-Mart every day but Thursday, so I can't really enjoy a real vacation.
Russ was sick all this week. He still kind of is. My immune system is slightly better than his. I caught the cold last night. I'm kind of still feeling it today. I hope it's gone by tomorrow.
I'm on the hunt for simple fun science experiments to do with my kids monday and tuesday. So far I have a balloon rocket and a thermometer/vacuum. I even found out how to make ninja stress balls with flour and balloons for my social skills kids. I kind of want an easy fun week this week.
Of course now I have to head out and buy some supplies, but this lethargy is getting in my way.
On Thursday, some of my students went to a fund raiser for the school and ended up on the news. I was teasing them all day Friday for being famous. They loved it! here's the link ---> click here ........... and click here for a youtube video from another news channel.
Anywho, I wish I had more to update on. Just normal work drama and teenage drama at school. My brain isn't working too well today. Colds suck!