Time: 12:51am
State of Being: peachy. pseudo angsty, because of the lack of a job. okay more like lack of money. The impulse items at wal-mart seem so much more tantalizing now that I can't have them.
Song lyric in my head: na na na nananana nanana hey jude
current desire: to hear back from that school. The lady is supposed to contact me this week telling me if i did or didn't get the teaching position. My hope dwindles the longer I wait.
where am I?: In the bedroom on the bed
what's that noise?: Russ snoring next to me.
When do you start decorating for the holidays? Do you do it soon as Halloween is done, or do you wait for Veteran's Day/Remembrance/Armistice Day to be over then do it.
It's been few years since I've decorated. Halloween is a holiday, so I usually put Halloween stickers on my outside window around mid October. Then leave them up until I put up Christmas stickers. No set time on when those go up. But it's been a few years since I've done that. Now they put up screens on the windows, so I can't put up my stickers any more. I would LOVE to decorate more. I really have no excuse other than pure laziness. lol My friend Cameron goes ALL OUT for the holidays. I love going to his place. Starting early to mid October, his apartment is like a horror movie. Then after Halloween, it slowly changes from fall stuff to a Winter Wonderland. I keep saying when we get a house, I'm totally going to decorate every year.