i think its funny that my boyfriend has lived a very sheltered life. im only 26 and have lived more than he has and hes 33. ive been through more shit and seen the horrors that are in the world. he's grown up with money and i grew up you were lucky to have runnin water and food ta eat. how did we come from completely different worlds and yet we're happy with each other. hes always worried because hes never had to worry about bills and all that. i tell him not ta worry cuz things will work out how there supposed ta. i mean really if its way in the future theres no need ta worry. yer just gonna make yerself sick that way. i dont see a need for constent worry. if i was that way id never do anything. id stay locked away in a cage never to see the light of day.
on another note my nephews comin over today. i cant wait ta see him. hes my little buddy. im hopin that my brother and his baby momma gets back together. they are meant ta be together but her best friend broke them up in the first place back when they were in high school cuz she didnt like my brother and she also didnt like the fact that while they were in high school my brother got his baby momma pregnant. i think that she should just but out because my nephew is almost 3 and i think that they should all just grow up!!!
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eye candy