Question for Women (TMI warning) Need Opinions! *Edit*
My opinion is there's no way to tell if you are pregnant or not yet. If you get another negative test and you still don't have a proper period, you should probably see a doctor anyway about your irregular periods (if you haven't already).
[mixie ]
.:28:. NoJomo - Two
Howard is getting married to I believe her name is Bridgette? The cute little blonde girl (not Penny). I'm not sure when or where she came into play. I haven't seen a lot of it since Leonard & Penny broke up - just the last two episodes and so far that is all I've caught.
.:24:. Flood 2011 (Pics)
Yep this was a horrible year for this part of the country. We've had family staying with us because of the flood...it's def. been nuts
.:20:. Drama, Drama, Drama
Hey, thanks for my coment. where have you been in essex? just been reading this entry, doesnt sound great hopefully things will look up soon! have a great birthday!! x
[maria p]
.:20:. Drama, Drama, Drama
Ryc: Feel free to steal I am stealing from a friend posting on another site so I can only go as fast as her lol unless she gets back to me about where she got it lol I have a 5000 one to do after this
[Surveys for Dani]