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Mrs DeJournett's Diary
by Mrs DeJournett
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Mrs DeJournett's Diary
by Mrs DeJournett


Question for Women (TMI warning) Need Opinions! *Edit*

Can't go by a test after an hour. It isn't reliable. Take another one in a week. I recommend First Response.

Question for Women (TMI warning) Need Opinions! *Edit*

I agree with Mindi....additionally, use first response as they are better at detecting hcg levels up to 6 days before your next period. Good luck!

[~Just the 2 of Us~]

Question for Women (TMI warning) Need Opinions! *Edit*

My opinion is there's no way to tell if you are pregnant or not yet. If you get another negative test and you still don't have a proper period, you should probably see a doctor anyway about your irregular periods (if you haven't already).


Question for Women (TMI warning) Need Opinions! *Edit*

If you read a test after an hour its considered void because it could just be a reaction to it drying. Take another one in a couple days.


[*Forever Changing*]

.:31:. Newborn Pics ♥



.:31:. Newborn Pics ♥


[ღ.Life With 3]

.:31:. Newborn Pics ♥

so adorable!

Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!

Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!

Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!


.:31:. Newborn Pics ♥

So cute!
<3 Sarah


.:28:. NoJomo - Two

Howard is getting married to I believe her name is Bridgette? The cute little blonde girl (not Penny). I'm not sure when or where she came into play. I haven't seen a lot of it since Leonard & Penny broke up - just the last two episodes and so far that is all I've caught.


.:28:. NoJomo - Two

Psh, to hell with Leonard. Sheldon is such a cutie watching it too


.:26:. I'm An Aunt!!

Congrats! It's an awesome feeling, isn't it? And he is adorable with an adorable name.

[Survey Sweetheart]

.:26:. I'm An Aunt!!

*random* awwww cute!


.:24:. Flood 2011 (Pics)

Yep this was a horrible year for this part of the country. We've had family staying with us because of the's def. been nuts


.:24:. Flood 2011 (Pics)

thank you

[Sincerely apples]

.:23:. Why Americans Should Care About The Royal Wedding


♥ -


.:23:. Why Americans Should Care About The Royal Wedding

Lol is it bad that I want this on RC?

[Emily the Strange]

.:23:. Why Americans Should Care About The Royal Wedding

LOL. That was unexpected (but so true!)

.:21:. Birthday Present to Myself

thats all a person can ask for is to be happy and after my whole life im finally got that wish


.:21:. Birthday Present to Myself

i am happier now then i ever thought that i could be with anyone


.:21:. Birthday Present to Myself

thank you sorry it took me so long to respond I sometimes am very slow


.:21:. Birthday Present to Myself

Thanks for your comment x

They are cute, me and my partner have adopted 4 degu's and had them about 4 months, they're a handful but I love them xx


.:20:. Drama, Drama, Drama

Hey, thanks for my coment. where have you been in essex? just been reading this entry, doesnt sound great hopefully things will look up soon! have a great birthday!! x

[maria p]

.:20:. Drama, Drama, Drama

Ryc: Feel free to steal I am stealing from a friend posting on another site so I can only go as fast as her lol unless she gets back to me about where she got it lol I have a 5000 one to do after this

[Surveys for Dani]

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