Blah... sick...
CSS is not working on here for some reason when I tried to use it... oh well.
13th nephew was born on the 27th - Jamey and Stacey's - first one from my Dad's side.
Nermal is always wanting to be in the living room - anytime she's in the room she just goes underneath the blanket and sleeps... really grumpy cat lately.
I just drank some hot peach tea - can't think right now to do an entry.
I have so much I need to get done before January - I keep putting it all off - not good.
A friend of mine, Jay, was suicidal last night. He sent a text message saying "goodbye - for real this time" He's done this a few times... actually a lot more than just a few. He lives in a different state and there's nothing I can do from where I am. I hate when he does this.
Another friend of mine, Terra, sent a message asking if she will go to hell if she kills herself this morning.
I'm so tired of people wanting to end their lives all the time. Yes, I get to that point, but I am always able to pull out of it somehow...
And I'm tired of being reminded of things that happened in March. I will admit there's a lot that I learned during that short 24 hour time period... trying to shoot yourself and not succeeding will do that to a person...
People that really truly want to die - don't go around telling everyone.
I've had a lot of weird dreams lately - anytime that I've taken cold medicine - so really the last 2 nights... weird and nightmares are back - really not what I want to be dealing with right now.
Somehow I'm talking to Doug again lately - he disappeared for a few months after being upset that I broke up with him, even though there was just way too much going on and things with Maxwell in Nicaragua...
I was supposed to talk to Brian a couple of nights ago but I was way too sick when I got home - lightheaded not a good thing.
And for those of you that have asked: no, I am not talking to Robert anymore.
I'm still not ready to do an entry about that.
I want this year to be over... yet, at the same time, I don't want it to end.
Last ~ March 19, 2010