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Jork's Diary
by Jork

previous entry: .x. Stupid doctors

next entry: .x. It went great!

.x. All These Kids


Kids, Kids, Kids Well, all the kiddos are on my mind today. So, I'll just give an update.
Elizabeth and David So Elizabeth (now 13 about to be 14), is a more smartass now than she's ever been. Me and her clash so much. I try. I am only 10 years older than her. Like....I am not equipped to dealing with a 13 year olds mouth! I have not had enough experience. I love her, and I try to make her happy. But everytime her Dadd walks out of the room, I turn into just the biggest pile of shit that ever walked. Seriously, she makes me feel like a shit step mom. David will tell me "Oh you can do this or this". No. I have already tried those things. I have done everything except literally kiss her ass, and I'm not doing that. I love her, but she needs to learn some respect and stop being such a smartass all the time.
And Little David...oh man where do I even start? We had to pick him up from school yesterday cause he's been suspended for 4 days. The boy is suspended every fucking week. Like, what the fuck?!? His dad has made excuses as he's misunderstood, or he's a good boy, but no one sees he's joking. I beg to differ. The boy is good with YOU. Everyone else he treats like shit. Including his teachers. He smarts off like he's a grown man. He tried to go toe to toe with the teacher today. Tried to say the teacher called him ignorant, stupid, and then shut the door on his chest. He acts like he NEVER does anything. But he does. If you were told to go to In School Suspension by the teacher, and you were walking out of the room, why did you turn around and stop in the middle of the door way, knowing the doors close on their own. STOP trying to get people fired. Stop it! The point is, he's under a new "contract" at school. That's how bad he is, he's on a mother fucking contract. What the fuck is that!? He respects me, never treats me bad, but that's cause his daddy would get his ass for it. Beth isn't scared to treat me like shit because David never punishes the girls cause they are "Princess's".

The point is with the 2 oldest, is that I love them dearly, but I am losing my mind because of them.

Emilee and Josh I feel like I never see them. Usually we only get them on weekends, but their mom has got to where she either doesn't bring them, or brings them Saturday night, so they can leave after church Sunday morning. And David won't say anything about it, cause he doesn't want her to go after him for Child Support. Which it's awesome that she doesn't, but jeez we just want to see our fucking kids.

Charity and Ezra Charity is doing good in school. I've got to where I can't stand her teacher. Charity loves Mrs. Smith, but something is just off about her. I don't know what it is, but I don't like her at all. Maybe it's when Charity left her jacket on the bus, I told Charity to ask Mrs. Smith if she knew where we could get it (since there are so many different buses ran by different people such as 5 buses can come from South Knoxville, whereas 10 could come from Clinton Highway, or 7 in West Knox). There was just no way for me to figure out who had that bus. And she told Charity "I don't ride the bus, you and your mommy will have to figure it out" could you be anymore of a bitch to a 5 year old?

And Ezra, jeez that poor boy. He gets into everything! Charity has a mentor at church, and her mentor bought her a Snow Globe for Valentines Day. Ezra has been told a million times not to touch it. Charity loved that snow globe. It was her favorite thing besides her music box that her mentor also got her. And Ezra got ahold of it today, and busted it. I have no idea how David is going to tell Charity but it's going to tear her up. He is constantly tearing up the other kids things. I don't know if it's all on purpose, or some are accidents, but I don't know how to make him stop! But other than that he's perfect. He's such a good boy and so sweet. He has his heart doctors appt in the morning, and we have to get up at 6:15 so I can get us all ready, Charity on the bus at 7:00, and head to Oak Ridge to get mom, and head back to Knox for his appt at 8:30. If you pray, will you send out a little prayer that everything goes good tomorrow at the Heart Doctor?

previous entry: .x. Stupid doctors

next entry: .x. It went great!

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The children are acting up because there seems to be a lot of change going on. You have to show them that they can't walk all over you. She disrespects you; there will be consequences. Take her damn phone, whatever and for gods's sake FOLLOW THROUGH. Stand your ground. If she throws a hissy fit, let her. She may cry, say she hates you and other 13 year old dramatic things, just let her. She may get away with shit with her daddy but not you. The thing is too that you and your honey NEED to be on the same page. If you say no to something then he needs to say no too.

Sorry, I worked in childcare for 9 years and I have seen plenty of behavioral issues.

I hope everything goes well with the doc.

[Ethan JamesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

No! I appreciate it! Elizabeth is the only one that I have serious problems with. As far as me and her Daddy, 90% of the time back each other up. There is that small 10%. Like if he tells the kids they can skip a bath, and I'm freaking out because I just was not raised that way. All the kids need a shower EVERY NIGHT I feel like. I am just super weird about hygiene. But as far as the punishments, we are pretty much on the same page. We may not completely agree on the punishment, but we back each other up and if we don't agree, we wait til all is said and done, go down to the bedroom away from everyone and explain to each other what we didn't agree with and why. So we have great communication as far as that goes.

[Darenda|0 likes] [|reply]

oh good, I was concerned!!!

[Ethan JamesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

჻ೋ჻჻ೋ჻ RYC: Right? Our kids get us 24/7 and us parents need some time kid free to stay sane and have adult conversation.

[Belle Ivy RoseStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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