.x. He's Here **Pictures** | 01/09/2016 |
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So, on November 17th, I went to the doctor that day. They said that they would be scheduling my C-section for November 24th, if he hadn't come by then. So we went home, and it was around midnight, and I ate some waffles, but I got choked. I just felt funny all of a sudden, so I went to pee. Low and behold, my water broke. So we packed our bags, and we went to the hospital. Now, keep in mind they done an ultrasound earlier that day and said he was breech still. So the lady hooks me up, and checks me, says I'm 4cm dilated. When she checked, she said "I'm pretty sure I feel a head, but let me get a second opinion." So she gets another nurse to check me, and she says that she feels a head also. I said, "That's impossible, he was still breech a few hours ago". So they take me to a delivery room, and Dr. Elam comes in and does an ultrasound, and he's still breech. Head up, facing my spine. So they start prepping me for my C-section. They come in and scrub me down, while hubby gets dressed. They take me back to the operating room and the man tells me to stand up and get on the other bed. Then the nurse says "NO! She can't get up". I said "It's fine, it's no big deal". She told me no again and said that if I stood up that the cord would come out. So they pushed my bed next to the other and I slid over to it. At this point I'm having a crazy panic attack thinking about being cut open. So the man does my spinal. Still freaking out, I keep telling them not to forget my husband. Hubby comes in and I overhear the man that done the spinal tap tell David that they gave me a bunch of meds to calm down. So by the time David sits down, I hear him say "babe you okay?" and I turn my head to look at him and then all the meds just hit me. It seems like a dream. I remember seeing the baby, but I don't remember it really. So I guess I pass out, and eventually wake up wanting him. I just wanted to see him and hold him! But they kept telling me it would at least be another hour. So finally they bring him, and I am in extreme pain. They had me on morphine. I told them that the morphine wasn't helping my pain, it was just messing with my head and making everything cloudy. So they stopped the morphine and brought me pain meds.
So Merle Dorsey David Horner was born at 4:43 AM, weighing 6 pounds 7.4 ounces, and 19 1/4 inches long. Pure perfection. I never thought I'd had another baby. Now, he was born with clubfoot. On both feet. His foot bends at the ankles (as if you were walking on the sides of your feet) and then turn in. In 4-6 weeks he will start having his casts put on weekly for about 6 weeks. After the 6 weeks, he will be taken back to surgery to cut the tendons in his legs because the tendons aren't stretching out like the are supposed to which is why he draws his legs up to his torso a lot. Then after the surgery they will put casts back on and those will stay on for 3 weeks. After that, he will be wearing the shoes that have the bar on the bottom, and then will have braces. It should all be done by the time he's a year old, but I'm thinking his walking may be a little delayed.
He is perfect. And so beautiful.
The Baby
March 21, 2015 - First faint positive
March 29, 2015 - First visit to E.R. for cramping. Levels were 1,300 and ultrasound showed a gestational sac.
April 3, 2015 - Second visit to E.R. for fluids. Levels were 5,600 and ultrasound showed gestational sac and yolk sac.
April 8, 2015 - First ultrasound at OBGYN office to make sure baby is okay, and hopefully found out my due date. Baby is great, due Date is December 3, and the heartbeat was 140.