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Jork's Diary
by Jork
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Jork's Diary
by Jork

previous entry: .x.Got my lil house!

next entry: .x. Some pics

.x.House is in!


House is in.  It was a mess though.  The man that brought it was new on the job.  Supposed to be a 1 hour job....turned into a 5 hour job.  With the addition that after that first hour, I get charged $110 for every hour that he was there and then he stopped working cause he wanted to turn his truck around.  He drove down in mom and dads yard and got the tractor trailor stuck cause the yard stays wet down there.  He tried to tie his wench to mom and dads baby apple pull that big ass trailor up out of the yard and about snapped it.  So he tied it to moms other apple trees which have been here for almost 27 years...they planted them when they moved up here and they mean a lot to my mom and dad.  It rubbed rings all around it and you could just hear it popping and snapping.  Mom was a nervous wreck.  So we called the people cause not only was I looking at $440, but then $50 for him using the wench, and then $2 for every brick he had to use to level our house....which was 67 bricks.  We got it all sorted.  They told us not to pay any extras, just pay for the bricks, and the man actually only made me pay $102 so we got a good deal and saved our asses.  Our porch was super high so finally yesterday, my dad and husband built some steps.  Thankfully.  Slow process but we are in and now just gotta start fixing it up.  Dad is supposed to run us a water line soon so I can buy utility sink for dishes and waylons baths for now.  Pictures soon!

previous entry: .x.Got my lil house!

next entry: .x. Some pics

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Sounds exciting! I hate when people send newbies to do a job. I get they have to learn, but they should also send somebody more experienced along with them to train.

[brooke_momof7|0 likes] [|reply]

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