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When I first wake up, I crawl out of bed....throw my tablet, phone, and medicine in my bag so that I can carry it upstairs. Then I walk over to Waylons crib, grab him, and lay him down to change his diaper. Then we walk up the stairs so I can make him breakfast. Now once we get upstairs I pour him some juice, and me some coke (not a coffee drinker). I cook him breakfast and then put him in his high chair, scoot him up to the table, and let him eat his breakfast. Once he sits down and rubs his food in his pretty blonde hair, I have roughly 10 minutes to think. I sit down, grab my medicine, and start laying out my dosage. My anxiety pill twice a day. A B12 vitamin. 2 energy tablets. Then I lay out my night time dosage. A mood stabilizer and a depression pill. This is the only part of my day that is normal. I think it's from being on drugs for so long, that this part of my day feels normal. Waylon gets done eating. Bath time. He takes a bath, screams bloody murder when i get him out. Then I start cooking dinner. So I cook and do dishes, which since being sober i have an issue with dishes. They HAVE to be done at all times. Serve dinner to Waylon. Me and David sit at the table and eat wiith Waylon. I finish first, and immediately start washing the dishes again. David cleans Waylon up, and helps me pick up all of the toys. Now its nap time...which seems to be the only part of the day that I look forward to. We all take a nap. I get up, go upstairs and basically repeat. This time, it's for dinner though. Bath time. Bed time. I have trouble sleeping anymore, even with sleeping pills, so sometimes I go upstairs after Waylon has went to sleep, and work on a puzzle and listen to music. I feel like all i do is sleep, cook, clean, and I just cant seem to dig my natural energy out of me.
Not a very interesting entry, but its bath time now....waylon is a super messy eater and loves to put food in his hair.