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by Jork
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Jork's Diary
by Jork

previous entry: .x. Stressed out

next entry: .x.Layout Artists?

.x.Update on Them Babies


le strike

Lord, help me
So I am going to make an attempt at updating *with pics* of all 7 babies around here. Bare with me, cause this might be long, might not....but there's 7 of these things running around, so you've got some reading ahead. I will go from oldest to the 3 I've given birth to will be at the bottom.

Elizabeth Grace....well she is now in the 10th grade! She is in advanced classes and is going on her second year in Junior ROTC. She's extremely smart. She's all about looks though. And is constantly doing selfies. To be honest, I am so sick of the duck face, and that stupid snap chat puppy face that I could scream. My phone is off and has been for about 2 months or so. These kids now days could use some of that no-phone shit. Needless to say, Beth has had many achievements but I worry with her and boys now. She went to the beach and left her snap chat name on some board there, so anyone can snap chat her, and then she lied to a 17 (almost 18 year old) boy and said that she was 16. Beth is 14 and won't be 15 til next month. I worry about that because Brittney (davids ex wife) lied to him about her age when they got together and he was 17...and she was either 13 or 14. And Britney was pregnant at mother could see that I'm worried that she will fall into her piece of shit mothers ways. I want better for her. She doesn't live with her mom. She pretty much hates her, but is so much like her at the same time. Old habits die hard I guess. I just pray that she wants better for herself, and she says that she does, but actions speak louder than words.

Lil David....Lord what will I do with this boy? He's 13, turning 14 this month. He has always been bad. He's been doing good in football of course, and he's great....but the crowd he's with....ugh! He's currently in summer school. He's fucked up so much that I just want to throw my hands up. Punishments don't work, and he's getting too old for ass whoopings (I believe whoopings are needed in certain circumstances), but NOTHING works with him. Literally nothing. So apparently he was supposed to be at his friends house about a week ago, and they were walking around Fountain City at 11:00 PM. I do not allow my kids to stay out that late, nor be anywhere I don't know about/can't see. But he was supposed to be in his mothers care. The next thing I know, is I hear about a shooting. Lil David's story is he was with about 8 other boys...and somehow there was a fight that broke out. Fight ends, and these kids go looking for this other kids house. Starts throwing rocks at this boys Grandfather's house and end up busting out a window. (To hear lil dave tell it, he didn't have anything to do with any of this, he was just there and saw it, which I have a hard time believing that he didn't have anything to do with anything). So this boy and his grandfather get in the truck, the boy calls one of lil david's cousins (Damarcus) and Damarcus is on the phone hollering Bloods For Life shit....and when you holler gang shit around here you might as well be ready for some shit to happen. And guess what happened? After hollering all that stupid ass gang shit, there was a shooting. 3 shots. No one got shot, but my boys could have easily been hurt. Now, there are a lot of issues with this story as to why they were out so late, why didn't they go home after the fight, why didn't lil dave call his daddy to come get him when they were breaking that mans windows, why in the fuck was gang shit even brought into it, and why the fuck is a GRANDFATHER shooting at teenage boys! --I don't know. You can see my frustration (and of course lil dave didn't get in trouble for nothing, never does), but I worry about my kids, and shit like this makes me want to keep them close to home. Except Lil David lives with his piece of shit mother.

Emilee, well she is now 9 (as of March). She's been playing soccer, but her season is about over. She has gotten so tall. And tries so hard to act like Beth...but when Beth isn't around, she's a child. She'll play with toys...but when her sister is around, she tries to act like she's her age. She's still prissy, and I can't stand that. But, she acts just like her mother. She really does act like she's better than everyone. I try to not let my kids think like that. But I feel as if David and Beth are our ghetto babies, Emmy and Josh are our preppy babies, and Charity and Ezra are our country babies. Merle, hell, I just don't know what he's going to be like lol. Maybe a mix of all 3.

Joshie, well, he just turned 8 in April. He's not changed much. Still Joshies, still small, and still silly. He's absolutely in love with anything morbid. Not quite for sure why, but I've learned to embrace times. Sometimes, I think he could be the next Stephen King. But again, when he's in his mothers care, he acts out, and doesn't act that way around me and David! He's said some terrible things. He goes to a school for bad kids because of this (alternative school). His teacher at this alternative school sent us a video saying things like "You don't know where I live, I'll kill you mother fucker". And because of statements like this, DCS has been involved a few times. Especially when he says 'sexual' things. He is so perfect here, but as soon as he leaves, he starts talking all crazy. But the thing is, he is behind. He isn't really quite "all there" as they'd say....he's got the mentality of a 3 year old in his mothers care...but with us, he acts like he's about 5. I just don't understand. I love him, and he really is a good boy, but some days he just acts out. His mom put him on Riddalin (or however you spell it), and the poor boy just sits there, with sad look on his face, and doesn't speak. Like he's so doped up he can't function. We've tried talking to him, but when we ask why he done it, he just says he doesn't know, or because he wanted to.

Charity, my sweet first born. Can you believe she'll be 8 in just 5 months. She's got glasses now. Looks like a little nerd. But still beautiful. She's going to be going into the 2nd grade. She loves school. She's super smart. She's gotten very tall. I wish she'd slim down some though. I just know that kids are cruel, and I'm so scared she's going to get made fun of. She's so tender hearted, that getting made fun of would just break her down so bad. I've tried changing her diet completely, making her exercise and play more, but she just won't lose the weight. In fact, she usually just gains. I would never tell my daughter she needs to lose weight because she's so perfect. I just don't want her to get her feelings hurt because of other kids. She's so country too, she's me made all over again. It's easy to make her laugh, it's easy to make her cry, but she's lazy as hell. And snitching has become ridiculous lol. We have so many kids at so many different ages, and raised in so many different houses that we just don't do the whole snitching thing. We try to work with each child as per their environment so each one has the same rules....but it's hard sometimes....and she doesn't really understand I guess.

Ezra, oh how he has grown. He's finally out of headstart and is about to start "big kid school" lol. I swear, I love all my kids, but the one I am closest with would have to be Mr. Ezra Kenezra (nickname). He's so fun and is just....a child at heart. More than the rest. He's all boy. He's 5 now!!!!! He is so funny too. He's messy and gets into shit like crazy. For instance, he is spending time at moms for the summer (as him and Charity always do) and she has a towel rack with a shelf above it on the wall. Now, he's not tall enough to get into this shelf, so he had to of climbed. He proceeded to get into the shelf, get my dad's shaving cream and razor out (yes, a real razor) and try to shave his face. UGH. What in the hell? He's has a kids kit of shaving stuff (ninja turtle) but I guess he felt as though he needed a real razor this time. Thankfully he didn't cut himself while he was getting into shit he wasn't. But he got grounded at moms. No games, or anything for a week. You would think that you took the life out of him. He's so dramatic. I also think he has a bit of a speech impediment. Not a bad one. He can't really say his L's or R's. It's kinda like that toddler talk, but you can understand him, but he's just still got that baby talk a bit.

Merle, he's 6 1/2 months old now! He's a chunker, at almost 20 pounds. He can sit up all by himself. With no help. He's TRYING so hard to crawl. And jeez, he smiles over EVERYTHING. But when he gets mad, he doesn't just simply "cry". He literally goes all out. Like, if you're holding him, and he can't reach something he wants, he starts screaming like you just pinched him or something, which makes you wonder if you really did accidentally pinch him. But he does this every time. Real tears and everything. There isn't a whimper as a forewarning. It's just all of a sudden screaming and tears lol. Only child I have ever seen to go all out EVERY SINGLE TIME they cry. In case I didn't update, he's out of his casts, and he was put in shoes to wear 24/7...but now he only has to wear them at night. I am so proud. His feet are pretty much straight. When he tries to stand up, his right foot kind of turns in a bit, but it shouldn't be much longer before they are completely fixed. But his doctor will still be seeing him til he's grown. I can't believe at 6 months old his feet are almost fixed. Given, he we a couple of months with casts, then surgery, and now his braces. He can't stand those shoes. He gets so mad anytime we put them on him. But man, he's so happy.

Well, that's all I have to update on. Thanks for reading. I'm going to leave ya'll with some pictures of all the kids and see how much they've grown and changed!

previous entry: .x. Stressed out

next entry: .x.Layout Artists?

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OMG they are all just beautiful! You are so blessed.

[stickbug7Star|0 likes] [|reply]

You have such a gorgeous family!

[brooke_momof7|0 likes] [|reply]

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