I'm not new. You can find me under NeverendingObsession. That's my main diary. This is my weight-loss diary. I am also a member of sparkpeople.com and I plan to take advantage of that site during my journey.
Some of you might have read on my other diary about this weight loss competition my county is having. Saturday is the kick off for that and I intend on taking advantage of the fact that we can work out at the gym of our choice in town for free. Yes, free. For 12 weeks I can take advantage of the classes and physical trainers at these gyms for no charge. This is wonderful news for me because I just lost my job on Monday. I need to do this. I leave you with the post from my sparkpeople blog.
Our county is having a weight loss competition starting Saturday. To say I'm a little afraid is an understatement. I haven't been to a gym in years and I'm actually afraid to go. I know I need to do this and I am going to do this I'm just... scared. I know that probably sounds silly, but to those of you who have been in this position before you understand that fear all too well.
I was in my bedroom the other night, getting ready to take a shower, and I looked at myself in the mirror and wanted to curl up and die. I mean I know I'm fat (let's not sugarcoat it, ladies), but I didn't think it had gotten that bad. I just stared at myself before realizing that yes.. that fat girl in the mirror was me.
It's time to change. I want to do this. I HAVE to do this.
I don't want to be the "fat friend" who makes everyone else feel better about themselves.
I don't want to be the "fat friend" who makes everyone laugh because she's uncomfortable with herself.
I don't want to be the "fat friend" taken along on shopping trips to ooh and ahh over your skinny clothes you can fit into.
I don't want to be the "fat friend" you only ask to go out to bars with you to keep the ugly guys at bay.
I don't want to be the "fat friend" anymore!
I'm done! You hear me?! I AM DONE BEING YOUR FAT FRIEND!!!!!!!