It's true. The average person on any website, whether it be Youtube, Livejournal, most discussion forums, or even this very website, ever has anything useful to say. And you want to know the reason for this?
Adolescent girls.
Yeah, you heard me. Adolescent girls suck at commenting. Want to know why? It's simple: Adolescent girls are stupid. If I were to put a comment at the very end of this blog post saying "I like doughnuts", you know what most of the comments would say? 'I like donuts, too!'. And if I were to check on the age and gender of the comment-leavers, you can bet your bottom dollar they'd all be adolescent girls.
Adolescent girls listen to My Chemical Romance. Adolescent girls are the reason people still think Nirvana is cool. Adolescent girls are the source of the "FIRST COMMENT"s and the mindless drivel that clogs up art sites. Have you ever read My Immortal? That was written by - you guessed it - an adolescent girl.
But you know the one group of people who are worse than adolescent girls? The one group more idiotic, more mindless, more mind-numbingly stupid than adolescent girls? The ones who aren't, but act like them. You're not cool and you never were. You will never regain your long-lost childhood. It's not my fault you suck too much as an adult that you can't grow up and act like one.
So listen to me - Prove me wrong! Make intelligent comments! If you don't have anything smart to say, don't comment. Currently, I think you're a fucking moron, and it's going to take a lot to change my mind.
Intelligent comments are a gateway drug to intelligent conversation. Intelligent conversation means people will view you as a more intelligent person. As a more intelligent person, you will stop being the mouth-breathing waste of space you are and start to be a functioning member of society. Your quality of life will improve, your relationships will improve, and people will enjoy being around you more, all because you aren't one of the millions of cretins in this world.
But hey - I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. |