Dream #3: The Missing Pyro
1st December 2013, 11.17 PM.
Well, this layout looks cute. :3 It does look a little tiny on the iPad, though.
The Missing Pyro
I was the RED's Spy. The entire team was searching for our Pyro, who had gone missing. We were standing and looked around on this gigantic piece of metal tiles that was floating up high in the sky. The sky was red, the clouds either maroon or grey. Suddenly, the Pyro came out of nowhere. As he walked forward and looked at all of us, I was suddenly looking through two huge round lenses with red edges. I then realised that I had switched bodies with the Pyro. I looked at all of my teammates. One person was missing...
As sudden realisation hit me, I swung around and blocked BLU's Spy's arm as he attempted to slice the knife through my back. The RED's Spy had been BLU's Spy all along!
Gah, why does BLU's Spy have to attack me every time I see him? I don't care if it was the RED's Spy but to have my own crush backstab me... Hmph. You won't get a sob out from me. I'm not
that crazy about Spy...especially since he's just a game character. It would be cool to have him as a friend, though.
What am I saying?
Hope you had an awesome day, everyone.
"Life is like a rollercoaster." -
Miss Dreamer