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15th December 2012, 4.52 PM.
Hi to the reader of this Journal! Yes, I know it's a diary but I prefer to think of it as a Journal. So, this is my first entry at BloopDiary. I think my name will remain anonymous. :3 Anyway, I'm 11 years old, I'm female, and I'm a Muslim (no racism please). I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to read and I like writing too (only when I feel like it). So I often write Journals. Usually I use notebooks and pens but occasionally, I will use the iPad or maybe the iPhone, when I'm bored, y'know? Well, I use the computer too. And I've been researching for diary/journal websites. So far, I've tried two. The first one, www.my-diary.org, got boring after a short while. The second one, www.itsmydiary.com, after I made my diary public, I couldn't manage to figure out how to edit it back and all. Everytime I clicked the button to change the theme, it sent me back to the login page. Hrrr, kids screaming outside. Scared me for a moment. Anyway! Wait, where was I? Err...oh yeah, so I just didn't use www.itsmydiary.com anymore.
...Everytime I think of something to say, I forget it...*derpface* So...hang on, I'm trying to remember here...>.< Well, um, I don't know how long I'll stick around here but this website looks promising. :3 And I'll tell you a couple more things about myself. Hmm, my favourite movie is Inception (and maybe The Mask too, if my father can find the disk anywhere). Favourite games are Team Fortress 2 and Garry's Mod. TF2 come first. Hrmm..
YESH! I FINALLY remembered what I wanted to say. Well, just wanted to say that I chose DreamJournalist for my username, 'cause I like dreams and I write Journals! One day, I want to have a lucid dream, but I just can't get myself to practise the methods to get it. Probably lazy. :3 Anyway, I should stop writing. Later!
I almost forgot! Hobbies are: READING!!!, Writing (in my Journals), Typing stories (when I get the inspiration or if I have a new plot/idea for a story), Daydreaming.♡ This is my Journal, where I will pour out my views, opinions, and thoughts. If you don't agree with any of those, well, I cannot tell you what to do but I ask you to please be polite when commenting. Thank you and have a nice day. :3 ♡ |