Thinking And Wondering
Hey people.
I was wondering just now. You know those people
who just post surveys for their entries? Like Survey
Sweetheart, for example? Where do they get those
surveys from? Do they make them up? Or do they get
them from some place else?
The weather has been pretty good lately, except for
last Thursday, it rained then. But lately, it's been so
pretty! Like this morning, while I was jogging, I
noticed that the sky was a beautiful light baby blue,
with fluffy clouds as white as snow which I would have
eaten if they were cotton candy! And yesterday, the
sky was such a deep blue.
Do you
like cloud-watching? It's one of my hobbies! I don't do
it often nowadays, though. I used to look out
of the bus on my way home from school and try to
make out shapes. I'd usually make out weird faces
or creatures. Like I think I remember there was goblin.
And then there was that giant man. And then I
saw a running dragon.
Awesome, huh? But now, I
just look at the clouds and think about how I
would love to eat them if they were eatable. When I
look at the sky, I'd wonder what's out there, in
space, beyond our universe. So many universes to
explore, so much time and expense
needed to explore them. Wow. If money was never
invented, if people were generous and shared things,
the world would sure be different.
Have a great, dreamy day, everyone! ^u^
"Life is a rollercoaster." -