Time Management And Other Stuff | 10/12/2013 |
♥ Ask me a question! ♥ Names And Nicknames ♥ My Scratch profile! ♥Time Management And Other Stuff SATURDAY
12th October 2013, 6.57 PM.
Well, it's been a while. How do I begin?
First of all, I must say, I really suck at time management. Gah, and here I tried to read books, do my homework, revise, and continue my TF2 fanfics at the same time. Sigh. Then, I momentarily lost interest in Bloop. But who cares? I mean, come on! No one even cares if I'm here. I'm just that bad apple in every bunch. Like, most of the people here are adults, aside from Ihatelife. Then again, it was nice of some of them (like frog star, Atropos, and *Amour De Bebe*) to take the time to comment on some of my past entries.
Thanks a lot, Honeybee. That was half-sarcastic, and half-genuine. Thanks for being honest. And thank you so much for saying that "But deep down, Ct is always my closest friend no matter how many dirty glances." in one entry, and then saying that I've become your best frenemy in the next. Make up your mind, why don'tcha?!
Yeah, turns out I embarrass my friends. Guess Net was right then, saying that I embarrass P6 Bright Stars that other day. Honeybee had stuck up for me and said that wasn't true. Had said.
Thank you for confirming that I am the psychotic wacko who embarrasses everyone around me, Honeybee!
Thanks so much! Now I know that I'll always be the odd one out!
I'm so happy! NOT.
Then again, if HB and T.G decide to ditch me, I always have my family. And my other friends. And my books. And my brain. And it'll also be proof that they didn't accept me all along. Ha, my father's right when he said being around human beings cause nothing but trouble. Unfortunately, he doesn't get that we're all different and if there's one thing I hate, it's being a loner.
Well, one good thing is that I jogged 6 rounds today! My bro told me that I'd done a good job and that my speed was improving. I jogged 8 rounds last Tuesday. Which is wonderful. I aim to get stronger and beat Shuffles in an arm wrestle!
Hopefully, before we separate into different schools.
Hope you had a wonderful day, everyone.
"Life is like a rollercoaster." - Miss Dreamer
| Sx3.Layouts♡ This is my Journal, where I will pour out my views, opinions, and thoughts. If you don't agree with any of those, well, I cannot tell you what to do but I ask you to please be polite when commenting. Thank you and have a nice day. :3 ♡ |