First of all, I know that I am Brittany Jeannoutot. I'm a wife, a student, a loving person, and a butterfly struggling to break out of her cocoon. I'm fighting to not drown under all the pressure I imagine I have. When really there is none, it's all in my head. I have the most understanding, caring husband in the world. He knows that he carries me, and picks me up when I'm down. When I'm struggling with myself, he snaps me back to reality. He makes the pressure disappear. I'm not afraid to be myself with him, to break down and cry, fall apart and come back together. He accepts all my broken parts.
Second, I know that I'm a strong, beautiful person, even when I don't feel like anything. Because of him, he builds me up, without him I wouldn't be anything. I don't think he knows that. Because he holds me up emotionally.
No matter how much we fight, He's always my everything. The mean things we say to one another, the screaming, the leaving, it's all worth it, because he's the one I wanna cuddle to sleep every night, and the first face that I want to see in the morning.
He puts up with the most stupid, completely insane bullshit from me and doesn't hardly say a word. He really loves me and I see that. I hope he sees how much he means to me.
I married him for a reason. He's so beautiful, inside and out, everything about him. The way that he cares for me, takes care of me, and makes me amazing. Our love will outlast all the bullshit. It's a fire, that burns out the negativity. I'd never leave him, even though I tell him I will. I'd die first.
Always and forever 4-12-11/10-26-11
VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV----- That pic is totally you baby. <3