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Batty train whistles


I'm sitting on my porch (in February) in my pajamas at 2am. The breeze is blowing. It is a bit chilly but, at the same time, not so cold that it takes the breath out of you. It is BEAUTIFUL outside. The bats are communing in the nearby trees getting their daily meal of bugs (not me, ). Just hearing them communicate with each other and find their food through sound waves is peaceful. Every once in a while, a neighbor dog will bark but otherwise, all is calm. All is peaceful.
A train whistle is blowing in the background. I find that sound peaceful. It reminds me of my childhood (6th grade and on). I lived close enough to railroad tracks that I could hear it when it came through town. The same applies to this day. It was hard to get used to when I first moved to T***** because I wasn't used to the sound. After awhile however, it became an everyday sound.

I just got home from work, in case you were wondering why I am even awake at 2am. Haha. I officially got off of work about 3 hours ago, but I hung around and visited some (and relaxed) with my fellow coworkers. That was good times. Two of my coworkers came in after their shift HIGH as a KITE! It doesn't take a genius to put 2 & 2 together.
Symptoms: Glazed eyes, dopey smiles, and goofiness...
They were not like that when the left work today. Otherwise, I would give them the benefit of a doubt and assume that they were merely exhausted. Not this time however. I'm not an idiot. Enough said.
They wanted to give me a ride home at one point. I refused based on the fact that they were driving while high. That is not a smart thing to do, in my "humble" opinion. Yes, I have very strong opinions when it comes to things like this.

I shared with Patrice, one of my bosses, of what I tried to conspire against BK (regarding Tuesday and the Scavenger Hunt). Haha. I'm sure none of you know what those plans were but they were funny. Patrice just laughed at me. That's how it should be.

Despite the chaos of this day (mainly at work...BUSY day), the Lord has given me a sense of calm and contentness on which to end the day. God is so great!--Robyn

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