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U'szo' bolond vagyok!
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previous entry: Demon spawn

next entry: December 14th

BlacK plague...without th


The following is a conversation between Kassey and I...and it describes my hellish night at work tonight.

robyn taylor: I am SO glad that I don't work tomorrow
robyn taylor: I literally had a nervous breakdown at work was so horrible
2-stepper: yucky
2-stepper: like just snapping at people?
robyn taylor: And I was there for only 4 hours
robyn taylor: No, I couldn't stop crying
2-stepper: yuck
2-stepper: i do that at work sometimes when i get too tired/stressed
robyn taylor: I don't do well with HIGH levels of stress
robyn taylor: That is part of the reason that I have turned down management positions there
robyn taylor: I have never broken down like that in all the time I have worked there
robyn taylor: I have gotten cranky but that is all
robyn taylor: Then, they wanted me to stay until later...which I did not do
2-stepper: idiots
robyn taylor: yeah
robyn taylor: On any given night, I would consider it but I was not in the mood to deal with people all night
2-stepper: i don't blame ya
robyn taylor: I was equally frustrated because I was crying so hard (in public) that I wasn't able to function...
robyn taylor: That was when my good for nothing manager decided that maybe, JUST MAYBE I needed help not someone telling me to do more when I was trying to finish ONE job
robyn taylor: Granted, she was in the kitchen helping at the time but she avoids the front anyway
2-stepper: lol
robyn taylor: I don't like working with Patrice. Nothing goes smoothly with her.
robyn taylor: She lets others do most of the work. I understand that she has her own work but the other managers are able to multi-task
robyn taylor: In my opinion, even though she hates dealing with people, it IS part of her job and she needs to suck it up and do her job in entirety
robyn taylor: not just when people ask for her help
2-stepper: yeah
robyn taylor: I hate drive thru (due to the chaos of it mainly) but I deal with it when I have to do it
robyn taylor: If I didn't need a job so bad, I would have quit tonight
robyn taylor: ON THE SPOT
2-stepper: yucky, i'm sorry
robyn taylor: It's not your fault
robyn taylor: haha
2-stepper: i know
2-stepper: but i'm sorry you had to deal w/ that
robyn taylor: I guess Heather was the one who callled in Nikki (to help close)
robyn taylor: All we know is that someone called her in...and she showed up
robyn taylor: haha
robyn taylor: one of my fellow coworkers may be getting investigated due to one of the customers
robyn taylor: She was called in on her day off and obviously had no one to take care of her boys
robyn taylor: So, she brought them to work
robyn taylor: It was impossible to keep an active eye on them but she was doing her best and normally we do not condone that kind of activity
2-stepper: and a customer complained about it?
robyn taylor: yeah
robyn taylor: a police officer not on duty
robyn taylor: and her mother
robyn taylor: So, that girl may have to clear up a few things soon
2-stepper: yucky
robyn taylor: yeah, can you tell what kind of night it was?
robyn taylor: her boys pooped in the kids room (in the slide, I think) and took slushies up into it
2-stepper: yucky yucky
robyn taylor: Luckily, I didn't have to clean that but I almost did. In the middle of madness, Patrice told me to go check it out. I had about 5-6 customers who had been waiting on their food FOREVER waiting on food
robyn taylor: Nothing was stocked up, there was a huge pile of trays to dry and line, and no time to do any of it.
robyn taylor: Which is why I broke down
2-stepper: sounds horrible
robyn taylor: In order to get an order out, we had to dry and line a at a time (for part of the time)
robyn taylor: Oh, it was. It has never been that bad
robyn taylor: I can guarantee that if Jamie or Heather was there, it would have been improved some
robyn taylor: At least food would be going out faster
robyn taylor: I understand why some of the customers were mad enough to complain, demand their money back, and/or yell at me (out of frustration...)
robyn taylor: One lady was waiting for nearly 30 minutes for her order
robyn taylor: That is ridiculous.
2-stepper: 30 minutes, at BK? yeah, it is
robyn taylor: That lady calmed down later and apologized, by the way.
2-stepper: petro had that problem w/ that....cause they had gotten rid of all their good chefs and couldn't get enough new ones
robyn taylor: Oh, it was the management
2-stepper: they had ticket times 45-1:30
robyn taylor: wow
2-stepper: but that was for months, not one night
robyn taylor: Any night that Patrice works is horrible...but with the holiday rush, it was worse tonight
robyn taylor: holiday + Patrice+saturday night=horrible
robyn taylor: on a good note, the cats are being good
robyn taylor: I wonder if they sense something, haha
2-stepper: lol
2-stepper: probably

Cue us talking about our cats for awhile...

2-stepper: so what are you going to do tomorrow since you don't have to work?

previous entry: Demon spawn

next entry: December 14th

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