I'm sick. I'm dying. I want homemade chicken noodle soup...and I want it NOW!
Haha. As if chicken noodle soup were the miracle food to keep my ailing body from decomposing into an insignificant pile of dust.
Excuse me as I choke on my own throat and the air that goes through it....*elevator music plays in the background for an indeterminate amount of time*
Just a visual aide...to show you what I want...and need...and will get....(Are you telekinetically receiving the sublimal messages yet?)
Okay, I'm back. Did I mention I was sick? I think I forgot to tell all of you that.
Alright. I admit it, there is no other purpose to this entry beside my need to complain to someone who may/may not care. I am an independent person by nature so I don't ask for help very often. I like the fact that I can take care of myself regarding most situations. I was raised to be independent. I was also raised to ask for help if I really need it.
The fact that I live alone, however, decreases the amount of people I can ask for help from when I'm sick. If I'm sick enough to complain this much about it, you know that I just want to be pampered and taken care of. That distinctly goes against my staunchly, obstinate independent streak. I'm not that sick yet. I did want to complain though because I have no one here to talk to besides myself and my cat. Neither subject is conducive to a chance at homemade chicken noodle soup...and I'm craving it. --Robyn
P.S.--At least you know I can laugh about the situation.
(This is not a solution...for all of you who will be smart-aleck enough to send me soup through internet waves. That's right...the internet travels in waves. )