You Are A Cedar Tree
You are elegant yet unpretentious, modest yet vivacious.
Attractive and friendly, you are full of imagination but might lack passion.
You abhor vulgar people, and you don't like anything in excess.
You have little more ambition than to live a calm life and enjoy nature.
You create a content, peaceful atmosphere for others.
You Are Apple Green
You are almost super-humanly upbeat. You have a very positive energy that surrounds you.
And while you are happy go lucky, you're also charmingly assertive.
You get what you want, even if you have to persuade those against you to see things your way.
Reflective and thoughtful, you know yourself well - and you know that you want out of life.
You're 50% Irish
You're probably less Irish than you think you are...
But you're still more Irish than most.
You Are an Avocado
You are casual, laid back, and totally easy go get along with.
You are compatible with many different types of people, even those with strong personalities.
You are creative and inspired. You don't put yourself in a box, and you aren't into labels.
You are open-minded and diplomatic. People find your "middle of the road" ways comforting.