So, tomorrow is the 33rd anniversary of my mother's death. If I remembered her more, I think I could grieve her loss more. I think I grieve the loss of what I could have had more. Just my opinion. I don't get maudlin about her death. It is what it is...
Speaking of family, I was able to speak to both my grandma and aunt today. That is enough to make me smile any day. I also wrote my grandma and a family friend. Their mail is going out tomorrow in the post. I paid most of my current bills today. It has been a busy "day off". I don't have much of my stimulus check left now due to bills and paying my grandma back. (And rent is not paid, or due, yet. I have that covered however.) Such is life...haha.
I was able to join in on an art session via Creation Station. Go art!
Okay, I am out of here....without somewhat risque titles. Your friendly neighborhood party, Robyn