So, here we are a week before Christmas, and in Phoenix, it's raining. I suppose it's as close as we'll get to snow. I'm OK with that. I hate rain, and I'm not big on snow. My favorite precipitation is fog.
Shopping is done. Now if only stuff would arrive. I'm sitting here thinking I'm going to have to get my sister something different, because I waited 3 days too long to buy her gift (purchased on the 3rd of DEC, and the shipping will take 15-27 days.... from Europe.) I'm crossing my fingers, but a back up gift may be required.
I don't want to go to another store 'til after the 1st of January.
So, bearing all this in mind, Season's Greetings, happy holidays, may your Chanukah be well lit, and may your Christmas treat you better than a bad elf.
Happy Chrismahanukwansakah!