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Inside My Mind!
by ScrambledThoughts
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Inside My Mind!
by ScrambledThoughts

next entry: A Very Therapeutic Meeting

Re: My Biggest Secret


My Biggest Secert
*New Diary* *Old Thoughts* *Written in 2008*

I've been though alot in the past few months. I joined the military in Febuary of this year. I went to basic trainning in July. In August I was raped by one of my superiors. This resalted in the immidate dishornable discharge of attacker, and the discharge of me and thus so far the end of my military carrer. I still struggle day and night with the horrors of him inside me. Even with my fiance here by my side it'ss still hard. I just wish I had the power to get over it.

classic layouts;style it.

next entry: A Very Therapeutic Meeting

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I'm so so so sorry this has happened to you. I was raped by my friend's husband in August 2006. You will never completely get over what has happened to you, but over time it gets easier to bear it. I started going to a therapist I really like, and I surrounded myself with people who love and care about me. Reach out. Talk. Don't hold all of it inside. And above all, remember one thing: It was NOT YOUR FAULT. *hugs* Feel better hun.

[~*Peace of Mind*~|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm sorry..... I was in the militery myself and although I was not raped or anything it sucks to lose your career to some asshole who should have kept it in his pants. You will always be pained by this but with love and support it will get easier.

[jdStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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