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Dead_Silence's Diary
by Dead_Silence
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Dead_Silence's Diary
by Dead_Silence

previous entry: Update

next entry: I simple story.

Yep This One Isn't Positive Either


My job isn't a bad job at all, it's not even difficult. The office is what sucks, they don't communicate, and they never tell me what's going on, and expect me to work doubles here and doubles there, like i'm some type of superhuman. I think they should realize that other people work for the establisment. I'm not the only person on deck here....sack of losers!

previous entry: Update

next entry: I simple story.

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-frowns- That's not good. I don't think I could stand a job like that.

[tumbling;echo xxStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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