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Mango's Diary
by Mango
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Mango's Diary
by Mango

previous entry: not really new



today has been an excellent day so far. I don't have to work until 4, and I got to sleep sleep in until about 1, then I layed around and did a whole lot of nothing.
After work today I'm going to hang out with Jenn and Rick. I think we're going to go to Rick's parent's house to drink and hang out in the hot tub. Can't wait!

previous entry: not really new

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I can't even force myself to sleep that late!

Do enjoy your drinking time though.

[Ms. Jack|0 likes] [|reply]

i am glad you have had a great day!! haha wana bring that hot tub here so we can all enjoy it

[bratpunkyg02Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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