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Finding Beauty In The Dissonance
by Burnt.Flowers.Fallen
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Finding Beauty In The Dissonance
by Burnt.Flowers.Fallen


next entry: Aftermath

So this is christmas...


.:Tick.Tock:. 9:23am
.:Munchin':. sippin on homemade peppermint mocha...
.:Eargasms:. none
.:Skin Covering:. christmas star ornament jammie pants (I FINALLY finished them last nite) and a white wife-beater
.:Linkage:. Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
.:Current Projects:. Training Pants Co-Op... Have 7 slots available... will post details in a new entry

We haven't opened presents yet... I'm holding off until the battery charges on my phone so I at least have SOME pics to share on facebook for Kidlet's Bio-Dad... We try to stick to a Something You Want, Something You Need, Something To Wear, Something To Read theme for Christmas, so that we don't go overboard... We all got new Christmas jammies, handmade of course... Kidlet's jammies are pink flannel one piece foot-less jammies with orange tabby cats wearing Santa Hats, just the way she likes her jammies... I over estimated how much flannel I would need, so I made MIL a pair of jammie pants that are mint colored cotton with the last foot or so the flannel left over from Kidlet's jammies... DH got black jammie pants with rainbow music notes, and OSO got red jammie pants with christmas lights printed all over them... Mine are white with different colored star ornaments (my favorite shape) and cut lower in the front to accommodate my belly...

Something You Need... We all got new underwear/bras or camisoles in our stockings...

Something You Want... I got a frame with either blue, pink, or green trim and decoration at Babies R Us and framed the ultrasound pic from Friday for DH... Announcement pending... DH got me a kindle while they were on sale on Amazon... DD got a pink Leapster from a friend who was selling it from HER daughter, a Base 10 set for school, a math skills workbook for Grade 3, among other things... I kinda went overboard on her stuff a bit... MIL got 2 bottles of liquid potpourri for her oil burner... Made OSO a fleece fringe blanket from rainbow striped fleece

Something To Read... Obviously I'm going to read on my Kindle... Kidlet got the first 3 Julie books from the American Girls series... We use them for a jumping off point for US history... At current, she is finding the time period for Felicity (Colonial America) boring... But we need to get through that first...

I was watching the above video and Kidlet was standing next to me while I watched it, and said, "What happened to those kids?" and I had to explain about John Lennon, and the wartorn nation that was left behind, and I couldn't help it, I started crying... It doesn't help that I found out I was pregnant with Kidlet right before 9/11 and was lying on the couch bawling about 'what kind of a world am I bringing a child into'... I found out right before the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 that I'm having this baby...

Hug your kids and enjoy your families today.... no matter how annoyed they make you

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next entry: Aftermath

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Pagan tag

You will LOVE the Kindle in the middle of the night- you can feed and read at the same time!! Mine gets an insane workout

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