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Finding Beauty In The Dissonance
by Burnt.Flowers.Fallen
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Finding Beauty In The Dissonance
by Burnt.Flowers.Fallen

previous entry: Taste of the fruit, never thought to question "Why?"

next entry: Life, it's what happens while you were busy making other plans.

Summer time and the wind is blowing outside


.:Tick.Tock:. 2217
.:Munchin':. ice water
.:Eargasms:. OSO playing Starcraft 2 on his PC behind me
.:Skin Covering:. Purple POTC jammie pants, oversize white t-shirt
.:Wanting:. bloom season to be over
.:Current Projects:.

I can think of a hundred and one better places to spend a sunday afternoon... the ER does not even make the list... What have I learned today? apparently I am hyper sensitive to Cat Dander and dust this pregnancy, so any nesting has to be done when I am not around... I had what I can only guess is my first asthma attack. ER gave me an Albuterol inhaler and a prescription for zyrtec... here's hoping it works... the inhaler has already helped once...

Frakking exhausted now, and spring break is over, so it's back to the grind of school for me... I want to go to sleep, but I'm afraid of how cat fluffed my bedroom is now... Maybe I'll just go sleep on the couch or something...

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previous entry: Taste of the fruit, never thought to question "Why?"

next entry: Life, it's what happens while you were busy making other plans.

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