Life, it's what happens while you were busy making other plans. | 02/19/2013 |
I'm still alive. Baby is 9months old now... I am thoroughly exhausted and run ragged just watching her play and grow. I'm also taking online classes. Hence the english paper I am avoiding... Entry title goes to my ex-bf, Shadow... So many things have been going on that I've wanted to share, but now they just seem so insignificant. Life can turn around in an instant, so enjoy every second...
butterfly layouts // CSS By: SimplyCss
.:Tick.Tock:. 2100
.:Munchin':. peppermint/coffee liquor
.:Eargasms:. The Band Perry - You Lie
.:Skin Covering:. black yoga pants, black nursing camisole
.:Wanting:. my effing tax return so I can get this tooth pulled already
.:Missing:. lately, I've been missing Shadow a lot...
.:Reading:. Ghost Story by Jim Butcher
.:Linkage:. Open Vs Poly
.:Current Projects:. should be working on a rough draft of an evaluative essay for english 102... It's due tomorrow and I don't even have a thesis statement yet |
