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Finding Beauty In The Dissonance
by Burnt.Flowers.Fallen
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Finding Beauty In The Dissonance
by Burnt.Flowers.Fallen

previous entry: Pain make your way to me, And I'll always be just so inviting.

next entry: There's A Piece Of A Puzzle Known As Life




.:Tick.Tock:. 1445
.:Munchin':. nothin
.:Eargasms:. none
.:Skin Covering:. faded black slacks & faded black shirt
.:Wanting:. the glue on my short size 6 circ to dry so I can sand it some and finish the fish hat I'm working on for christmas, although I could just as easily cast on the kidlet's other fish fingerless glove to go with HER set...
.:Thinking:. of boredom
.:Reading:. Lover Eternal by JR Ward
.:Current Projects:. Nemo Fish Hat and Fingerless Gloves for Kidlet, Blue/Green Fish Hat and Fingerless Gloves for friend's kidlet, some longies, My Bella mittens (except I'm doing them fingerless and a smidge longer), and knee socks for me out of this yummy wool/nylon/bamboo blend yarn, tube socks for the hubby out of same yarn, different colors

butterfly layouts


Just because we had sex for like 6 months during a very turbulent time of my life doesn't mean you can CONTINUOUSLY ask me for nude/naughty pics YEARS after the fact. I'm frakking married for fraks sake!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

previous entry: Pain make your way to me, And I'll always be just so inviting.

next entry: There's A Piece Of A Puzzle Known As Life

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what a weirdo!!

hey do you do like nappies that pull up and down like pants? i'm looking for a change now i think bored of ours. lol

[.November.Butterfly.|0 likes] [|reply]

yeah i understand that, when the time comes we're not going to bother with training pants anyway, its just it would be far easier to put her in a nappy i can put on standing up than laying down now (like pampers do easy up pants here)

[.November.Butterfly.|0 likes] [|reply]

they're not advertised as training nappies here at all, they're advertised as easy up nappies, like nappies you can put on standing up and take off by ripping the seams, just an easier nappy for wriggly toddlers, well thats how i've seen it anyway.
but nevermind.

[.November.Butterfly.|0 likes] [|reply]

Dude. I deal with that from my ex. Who i haven't been on the same continent with in 5 years!! Its like seriously. Get over yourself. I have a life now. Ugh.

[Morning.GloryStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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