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In Search of Inspiration...
by Artistic Muse
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In Search of Inspiration...
by Artistic Muse

previous entry: I need a favor from everyone

next entry: I'm on my knees, only memories left for me to hold

pretty good weekend, except...



Time: 12:17 AM
Wearing: jeans and cream colored tank
Eating: nothing
Drinking: red tea
Mood: worn out

classic layouts

for that horrible tearing of my heart from my body

This weekend went pretty well. Had to work, as usual, and did some homework. Best parts of the weekend (hell, the week) was getting the chance to talk to Edward, even if it was only for a few minutes at a time. Don't get me wrong, I had an exciting first week of school. My classes went smoothly, and I may be starting up an art therapy program at one of the community centers with my professor! but, it all seems better when I get to talk to him for a while, and keep him up to date.

But, even though I get to talk to him, there are times during the day and night where it feels like half of me is torn away from me, my heart wrentches and I just cry my eyes out. Just an undying feeling of lonliness, which is made worse by seeing my friends be with their significant others...*sigh* Valentine's day is gonna be rough...

Anywhos, nothing else really new going on here. Bed time for me though I worn out

previous entry: I need a favor from everyone

next entry: I'm on my knees, only memories left for me to hold

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yay for keeping up with this diary.

once again, valentine day is going to be another crappy one for me. oh well. hakuna matata. I'll prob go out with my best and his wife for chinese food unless he has something else planned that is a bit more romantic that wouldnt include me.

however, that week end is when pitchers and catchers report to spring training and that! makes me very very happy!

[A RedSox Fan|0 likes] [|reply]


[Kate.Monster|0 likes] [|reply]

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